The NTIF Revue - Making Fun of the Irish!North Texas Irish Festival Cultural PlayIn the Tradition Stage - 1 PM, Saturday and Sunday Going in a new direction from the serious and profound, the NTIF theatrical group has decided to present totally absurd, sometimes ridiculous and guaranteed silliness commonly known as the NTIF Revue. In the great traditions of vaudeville, Monty Python and the Marx Brothers, the NTIF Revue finds nothing sacred and pokes fun at anything and everything. In an interview with one of the members, who wishes to remain anonymous, he/she was asked about the production. He/she answered, “ We are reviving traditions of vaudeville and NTIF, namely the world famous Kazoo band, and will continue until the rotten tomatoes start to hit home. Then we bolt for the back door and head for the hills.” A great testimonial. Come one, come all, see us make utter fools of ourselves in a short 45 minutes.....or long, depending on attitude! The NTIF Revue is scheduled on the In the Tradition Stage, Saturday and Sunday at 1 PM each day. |
NTIF Cultural Area Features a Yard Sale!If you ever admired a prop or decoration at NTIF or other festivals, we just might have it for sale this year! NTIF is cleaning out it’s closets and making one of a kind decorations and props available to festival goers for the first time. Our storage facility and my home are full of props and other items from years past that are taking up needed space. We also will have items from other festivals such as artwork, play props, video and audio tapes and other memorabilia. So come to the Cultural area near the “In the Tradition” stage and come away with some treasures....and a little magic from years past! |